Maintenant, vous devriez vous poser la question au sujet de la lettre " Hamza " qui est la dernière lettre dans le tableau 1, bien.. la leçon suivante est sur ce sujet:
La " Hamza " est un des trois types de voyelles en arabe (les marques vocales ont été expliquées dans la leçon antérieure). Ça peut être le sujet le plus compliqué en arabe, je pense qu'il faut lui consacrer une élaboration de cours à part (même quelques Arabes ne peuvent pas arriver correctement à l'écrire dans certains cas). En tout cas j'essaierai de le faire aussi facile que possible et vous donner seulement l'essentiels, allons y:
En premier lieu, la " Hamza " est la prononciation de "ou" comme dans "Sour" Les règles d'écritures dépendent de la nature de la hamza, de sa place dans le mot, du vocalisme. La ''hamza'' indique un arrêt ou une pause dans le prononciation. Aucun son, simplement un petit arrêt. Voyons un exemple pour cela:
Click to listen to the word:
Ce mot est prononcé comme suit: Sa-Al (qui veut dire demande ou questionne) cela veut dire que vous devriez couper le mot quand vous le prononcez dans deux parties. Vous prononcez la partie avant la " Hamza " et vous prononcez la deuxième partie comme un nouveau mot.
Il y a quatre manières pour l'écriture de la Hamza , cela reviendra au (Tachkil) de la ''Hamza'' elle même ou de la lettre qui la précède. Le tableau suivant montre un exemple de chaque forme de ''hamza'':
La Hamza ne se lie jamais
- Elle ne change pas de forme
- Elle est plus petite que les autres lettres.
Elle s’écrit soit seule sur la ligne soit sur l’une des 3 voyelles longues ( ا - و - ي ) qui deviennent alors muettes (de simples supports de la Hamza) c’est alors la voyelle brève qui se trouve sur la hamza qui sera prononcée.
- Au début d’un mot, la hamza est toujours sur ou sous un Alif selon (Tachkil). Si la ‘’Fat-ha et Dhamma’’ se trouvent sur la ‘’hamza’’ donc cette dernière est écrite sur Alif si la ‘’Kas-ra’’ se trouve sur la hamza donc cette dernière est écrite sous ‘’Alif’’. Voici les exemples suivants:
(ANA) qui veut dire (moi)
Click to listen to the word:
(Imaan) qui veut dire (la foi)
Click to listen to the word:
Si vous voulez plus de précision sur les règles d'écriture de la Hamza vous pouvez poser vos questions et je vais vous les envoyer par email.
Certains sources ne considèrent pas la Hamza comme voyelle ni même une lettre!!!
I think by now you should have learned all the basics of Arabic language script and some words and sentences, and you should be able to read or write some Arabic words. Now, what is left for you to do is learn Arabic vocabulary and some grammar to be able to create sentences. These tasks need more than a simple on-line tutorial, they need some time and work from you! But if you have any questions on something included in this tutorial (or not !!) just send me a message and I'll be happy to answer them as soon as possible.
If you have any thoughts, questions or ideas just tell me about them.
You can now practice some Arabic scripts by doing the following:
1- Try writing your name using the the Arabic alphabets forms in the table in lesson 2. Just copy and paste the letters in any image editor and you will have Arabic words as GIF files ,unless you have Arabic fonts installed in your system).
2- You can add Arabic fonts to non-Arabic Windows95/98/2000/XP, just follow these simple steps:
Get your hands on Arabic fonts (Many are available here).
From "Windows Start button" choose "Settings" then "Control Panel" then "Fonts".
From the "File menu" choose "Install New Font".
Locate the fonts you downloaded and press "OK".
Now , your system should accept Arabic fonts in most applications (Word Pad, MS Word, Outlook Express and many more. Just select the Arabic text then select the Arabic font to apply, and there you have it, Arabic text on a non-Arabic system). Now you would need an Arabic Keyboard to be able to type Arabic on your PC or laptop. I recommend you buy either an Arabic keyboard for your PC/laptop or Arabic Stickers for your Keyboard (I recommend you get the full Arabic keyboard for your PC/laptop as stickers tend not to last long).
Now , your system should accept Arabic fonts in most applications (Word Pad, MS Word, Outlook Express and many more. Just select the Arabic text then select the Arabic font to apply,and there you have it, Arabic text on a non-Arabic system.)
Where to go from here? If you want to expand your Arabic beyond the beginners level. I highly recommend you do the following.. Lots of the people who used this tutorial since 1999 till this day were able to improve their Arabic up to an amazing level after participating in an Arabic Language Course in Syria. I was amazed by the level of improvement of all the Americans, Europeans and Asian people after that. For an excellent overview of how, why and where and more details click here.
One final and very useful advice.. While learning Arabic or if you are traveling to an Arab country, I suggested getting an Arabic electronic dictionary. I spent some time browsing the Internet looking for a good one. I ended up choosing the Language Teacher by ECTACO. It is like having your own Arabic teacher on the move.
It is very well worth its cost.
I also highly recommend you check these blogs and websites if you're interested in studying Arabic abroad (which is usually the best way to learn):
By public demand, I added some recommended books and software on learning Arabic (plus some books on Arab history). If you are interested then do check them out. They are mostly recommended by non-native Arabic language students:
Test your Arabic skills..
One of the best Arabic Grammer sources for Modern Standard Arabic:
Another excellent book on Modern Standard Arabic..
Full Arabic Course
Get familiar with Arabic verbs..
Another good Arabic grammer book for beginnrs
A must have Arabic dictionary..
Fun and simple book on Arabic
Watch News in Arabic
more on the Arabic Alphabets
Type in Arabic like a pro
Arabic keyboard
Arabic for Children..
A simple grammer book
Spoken Arabic, this should be your next step:
Well.. that's it.. hope it was usefull.. would you take this poll so I know what you think about it?
Tell me something about your self... I'd like to know who's visiting my page..
Watch out for updates to this tutorial in My Home Page!!!!!
Si vous avez aimé ces cours, et que vous avez le temps et vous êtes disposé à le traduire dans votre propre langue, alors s'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à
maintenant. J’espère le voir dans d’autres langues.
. HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OUT OF THIS ARABIC LANGUAGE COURSE? Do you hate huge paper dictionaries as much as I hate them? While learning Arabic or if you are traveling to an Arab country, I highly recommend getting an Arabic language electronic dictionary. I spent some time browsing the Internet looking for a good one. I ended up choosing the Language Teacher by ECTACO.
I was really startled by the value! They make dictionaries in more than 20 languages (including Arabic) and in various price categories. I recommend these dictionaries to anyone who intend traveling to Arab countries or wants to learn Arabic on the move. They also make great gifts!
You can familiarize yourself with such dictionaries here. Make your time learning Arabic easier - you have no idea how much help you can get from a tiny handheld device. I guarantee you'll be as amazed as I was.
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